Asking for help/support

A small guide on troubleshooting and asking for support to the developer.

F12 and console command

How to open the console command on Firefox

how to open the console command on Google Chrome

Proper description of the problem

First of all, make sure that your bugs/problems don't appear on the "Known issues" section or haven't been responded to elsewhere.

How to reach out

You can send me a message to my ​Neocities profile.

Known issues

I'm a non-English speaking solo developer, please have mercy.

*I pressed the "done" button when creating a project, but nothing happened. if you press F12, and go to the "console" section, you might see a couple of red boxes with errors, this is due to a bug, just press done again until the problem is solved, it shouldn't take more than 10 seconds loading.

*I have a lot of repeating tiles at the end of my "tile picker". this shouldn't intervene at all with your workflow apart from being annoying, im working on a solution.

*My layers aren't working, this may not be a problem with the layer system on itself, more with your selected tileset image, if it lacks transparency it will show the background it has, "painting over" your layers, the solution is, getting a new tileset that is transparent, or removing the background color yourself. if you are sure that your image is a .PNG with transparent background go to the help section , and ask for support.

*Opening the project does not instantly draw the picker section, you must scroll to re-draw.

*Can't change the tile picker size.

*Cant scroll the tile picker without a mouse wheel.

*Number to the right side of the picker does nothing.

*File downloader doesn't clear blob after download.

*Ugly UI ?

*The Event UI section may be confusing for new users.

*Favorite layer selection not working

*project settings re-configuration inside editor doesn't work.

*Wrongly formatted export for events.

*Can't draw multiple tiles without console commands.

*Can't export a tileTypes.json file.

*Can't change the tile name from UI.

*Cant filter tiles by types.

*Tiles cannot be deleted on any other order apart from top to bottom.

*Cannot set animations.

*"back" button on main menu, create project, not working.

*Cannot make initial "tip" on main menu re appear.

*Spanish version of program and documentation/guide.

Last updated